Emergency Stress Pit Stop:
Helping Police Beat Stress, Take Back Control and Thrive
Make sure you function well so you can be fully present at your job.
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If an organisation wants to use a bulk-booking option of at least 5 learners, they get a 30% reduction in fees. Please email contact@PoliceScienceDr.com for bulk bookings.

Stress Pit Stop
Stress Pit Stop
Meet Your Guide

Ginny McKenna
Ginny gets it. She's been there. She was a frontline police officer for over 20 years. She's been through experiences that knocked her so far off her path that she wanted to take her own life - it was only the thought that her dog, who depended on her, would be left uncared for that stopped her.
Online - personal - discreet - flexible
The Emergency Stress Pit Stop course is a mixture of video material that Ginny has prepared to help you take stock of your situation - where you are, and what is happening to you, as well as providing useful tasks designed to help you think, explore and review your progress as you work through the learning modules.
Ginny will answer questions, discuss and provide feedback during her live video Q & A session with participants.
You will only achieve the results you desire if you put in the work!
You will walk away from the course with greater clarity and understanding around stress and your triggers.
You will be armed with tools and techniques that you can use anytime, anywhere, to keep your stress levels low, and you in control.
Stress Pit Stop
Stress Pit Stop
FAQs - You may be asking yourself...
1. Is Ginny’s course right for me?
If you work in policing or even another emergency service and you have noticed that you haven’t been quite able to function at full capacity lately, that some incidents and experiences have affected you more than you would like, that perhaps some recent events seem wiped from your memory, that you are feeling stressed, you can’t sleep as you should, then it seems your mind needs your attention right now, so that you can be yourself again, and deliver what you need to deliver. Be that for the job, for your family, or for yourself.
2. Will I get the same from this online course as I would from 1-to-1 sessions?
3. Do I need to let my employer know I’m doing this course?
4. Will you tell my employer I’m doing this course?
5. How much does this course cost?
6. What does this course entail?
7. Can this course be done anonymously?
8. What can I expect from this learning?
- How stress may affect you - greater understanding around the mind-body responses to stress, anxiety & overwhelm
- Learn about what triggers you
- A selection of tools and techniques - to use anywhere/anytime - keeping you in control
- Another chance at life, in which you can manage what gets thrown at you, and in which you can actually enjoy yourself again
9. What if I want to carry on working with Ginny after I’ve completed the course?
One-to-one 90-Day Emergency Stress Re-Set Coaching Programme - digging deeper into the challenges holding you back and re-setting those negative, self-limiting beliefs and core values, to ones that totally support you. Once that strong foundation has been created, you will move forward and create the life that you want to live using a ‘future planning’ exercise that provides you with an incremental bespoke blueprint to keep you accountable and ensure that if followed, you will achieve that until now elusive goal.
10-week Group Coaching Programme - taking the Emergency Stress Re-set Programme into a group setting. Where you can share your experiences and learning with fellow emergency responders who understand your role and its impact on every area of your life and who, like you, are invested in seeing you succeed.
10. I’ve tried counselling before – it didn’t work for me
we can’t really comment on why that may have been the case. It is possible that
you and the counsellor / coach were not the right fit, that their method wasn’t right
for you, or that you were not at a stage in your life where you were open to
it. Or perhaps you felt the coach or counsellor simply didn’t ‘get’ what you were going
through and you didn’t like the hassle of having to explain all the policing
procedures and demands around the actual incident you want to discuss, just to
help them understand the context in which this happened. If you are
reading this, it seems you are ready for this mental health pit stop, so give
it a go.
11. Can I access the course from my police computer?
12. Can I get a refund if this is not for me?
If you have progressed beyond the first section any of the learning materials, you are not entitled to a refund. Your success from this course depends on your openness and willingness to make a change. Ginny will provide you with the tools you need to do so, and it is then up to you to use them.